Love investing? Love to write?
Then you might make a great contributor to our Motley Fool Canada freelance team.
The Motley Fool Canada freelance team has two goals:
- To share your sharp analysis and compelling writing with thousands of individual investors.
- To help you develop your analysis and writing to become a regular contributor (our top writers can earn as much as $80,000 a year!).
Our Freelancers are encouraged to build a partnership with our editors and analysts and build expertise in financial analysis, storytelling, and the Foolish writing style that has served as the foundation of our company’s success.
We offer a pay structure that is clear, transparent, and, we hope, generous. If you write an article that is thoughtful, well-written, and makes specific and relevant mention of publicly traded companies and their tickers, we’ll publish it and pay you $50. If you develop a track record of high performance and if your articles are viewed as top-notch by our team at the Fool, we offer up to $100 per article.
As many of our successful freelancers can attest, that might just be a starting point for your relationship with the Fool. There are additional incentives available for top performing writers. And we keep an eye on the best writers and analysts — those who truly work with us as partners. And that can lead to even bigger things.
If you’re ready to get started, send us a cover letter, resume and click below for directions on how to submit a writing sample.